
Showing posts from September, 2016

So I Didn’t Win the DC Comics Competition

“Thank you for applying to the DC Talent Development Writers Workshop! Due to the high volume of competitive submissions, it was very challenging to select our final candidates. Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer you a place in the program this year. We enjoyed reviewing your application and appreciate your interest in the program.   We hope you’ll consider applying again in the future! – DC Talent Development”  I almost didn’t open the email.  It was about 9:30 in the morning. I’d already been up at 5 to work for several hours. I’d come back home to nap, before getting started with the next part of my day. Ironically enough, the next part of my day was the writing portion. Working on my latest script. Something woke me. And, as is typical for those with a ton of things on their plate, I spazzed out in a semi-conscious panic, thinking I was late for something. But I wasn’t. I held my phone in my hand, looking at the time.  9:30.  I...