Build Your Superhero Team

This was extremely fun to do. Note, I didn't create the chart- I just came across it and indulged.

Batman (4$).
Wonder Woman (2$- kind of insulting that she's 2 bucks).
Professor X (3$).
Flash (4$).
Black Panther (2$- also insulting that he's 2 bucks).

My squad is the team that goes in to finish the job. They don't bother with major showdowns or citywide grandstanding gestures- they are the magic bullet fired at the heart of any problem. Differing from the so called Suicide Squad, because they choose to play this role in service of good and so become capable of far more by virtue of intentional decision. Whether they are the first ones called in or the last, one thing is certain: there is no retaliation after they're through.

Batman, in spite of his bloated and over scary reputation, is still quite a formidable detective. His ability to identify truths and spot anomalies, as well as recognize his own weaknesses and shortcomings is invaluable. He is familiar with military operations around the world and is well versed in the requirements for taking down superpowered beings. He's a one man army, capable of playing any role in any mission.

Wonder Woman serves a double purpose. The limits of her strength are far enough away to be of moot concern. Most weapons cannot wound her and the alleged physical champions from any of the worlds spawning the breadth of the galaxy would find themselves more than outmatched in her presence. Additionally, her genuine persona of goodness and virtue shields her against the petty motivations of greed, lust, vengeance, etc. The second major boon of having this powerful Princess on my squad is her magical heritage. Mystical weapons and dark spells, while potentially threatening, are not inherently lethal to her.

Professor X's telepathic abilities alone make him worth having. A direct line into the zeitgeist of thought and intention is an invaluable asset, particularly when reconaissance is impossible or the researched information proves false. Xavier can also influence will as necessary as well as provide empathic boosts to teammates granting them the mental acumen to succeed. And, of course, mental links eliminate the need for coms on deep cover missions.

Flash I chose solely for his speed force abilities. Slowing time  down can be the difference between life and death, escape and capture, hope and devastation. While not necessarily the biggest fan or supporter of time travel, it has still proven to be an irresistible lure to both the ambitious and the desperate. Being able to get to any point in time faster than anyone else gives the one up to any strike team.

Black Panther is my trump card member. Insanely wealthy, incredibly brilliant, undeniably royal, and a furious devil of a fighter. Average fighters approach battles expecting to win; Good fighters approach battles knowing they have won already; Excellent fighters approach battles prepared to die for the win; Elite fighters approach battles knowing the true win is having your personal agenda advanced. This is how Black Panther operates. His mind and sensibilities are so far beyond what anybody is trained to expect, that he sees maneuvers and takes risks that no one else can even see. And he has the personal man power to execute it.

This is my team. Last Strike.

Personally, I believe too much focus is placed on catastrophic events (which do need to be handled), but there are plenty of everyday crises to be nipped in the bud and keep the balance of things. Plenty of valiant fights that just need a finishing punch to bring resolution. Interdimensional conflicts that do not require "winners" in the typical sense; some conflicts need heavy handed mediation. Someone to black your eye and usher you to your seat in the same motion. That's what they'd be for. Balance.

15 bucks.
What would YOUR team be?

Joshua Evans is a prolific writer and sci-fi/fantasy enthusiast who believes story is central to everything and that mythology can change the world. He currently hosts two youtube shows- The Truth About Superheroes and Comic of the Weekas well as runs a short story blogsite on medium as The Story Junkie. If you would like to further be a part of his cosmic psyche, you can join him on Twitter and Instagram or simply subscribe to this blog… and remember- sharing is caring! Cheers!
