Black Panther First Reactions
The red carpet was actually purple.
That's how royal the event was.
Immediately following the viewing of the already beloved film, came the reactions of those in attendance who were just seeing it for the first time.
Not one negative or side eyed comment among them!
Here are just a few:
There's no doubt about it! Disney/Marvel has a smash hit on their hands!
To say that there was a lot riding on this production would be an understatement; but to say that any of us seriously doubted it would live up to the legacy of its own legitimacy would be a falsehood. As the reactions continue to pour in, it is clear that Black Panther was everything it was supposed to be, did everything it was supposed to do... and more.
Also, I am proud that there is absolutely NO semblance of shying away from the inherent blackness sweeping through movie from all directions. To quote a character from a novel I read recently- "It is what it is and that's all that it is."
And it just so happens to be great.
Black Panther officially hits theatres February 16th, 2018, so be sure and get your ticket soon!
Long live the king.
Joshua Evans is a prolific writer and sci-fi/fantasy enthusiast who believes story is central to everything and that mythology can change the world. He currently hosts two youtube shows- The Truth About Superheroes and Comic of the Week, as well as runs a short story blogsite on medium as The Story Junkie. If you would like to further be a part of his cosmic psyche, you can join him on Twitter and Instagram or simply subscribe to this blog… and remember- sharing is caring! Cheers!
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